Best Movies by Farr

The Kingdom

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The Kingdom Poster





The Kingdom

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What's it About

Coping with malpractice suits and a disturbing murder case, a brain surgeon (Jaregard) at the technologically cutting-edge Kingdom Hospital in Copenhagen suddenly finds his staff besieged by supernatural occurrences. One patient (Rolffes) is confronted by the apparition of a young girl; ambulances appear in the night then vanish; and a female doctor (Raaberg) finds her pregnancy advancing at a frightening pace. Has evil come to roost in this esteemed institution of science? 

Why we love it

Conceived as an eight-episode series for Danish television by Lars Von Trier ("Zentropa,"” "Breaking the Waves"”) and co-director Morten Arnfred, "The Kingdom"” is an intelligent and genuinely creepy supernatural thriller. Imagine a cross between "Twin Peaks"” and "ER,"” and you'll have some idea of where the helmers go in setting up the nightmarish confrontation between arrogant science and the aggrieved spirit world. Bungled operations, blood-gushing corridors, masonic conspiracy, and Haitian voodoo all come into play, and the effect is riveting horror cinema at its best.

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